What is Each Way Betting?

Q: Where can I find information on BoyleSports' betting rules?

A: For a comprehensive overview of all our betting rules, we advise you to refer to our Rule Book, which can be found at this link: BoyleSports Rule Book

Our rule book contains detailed information on all aspects of betting with us, including the general rules that apply to all bets, as well as sport-specific rules.


Q: What does "Each Way" mean in betting? A: "Each Way" is a term commonly used in sports betting, particularly in horse racing. It refers to placing a bet that consists of two parts: a win bet and a place bet. The win bet is placed on the horse to finish first, while the place bet is on the horse to finish within a specified number of places, usually the top two, three, or four, depending on the race and the number of runners.


Q: What is the advantage of placing an Each Way bet? A: Placing an Each Way bet provides an increased chance of winning, as even if your selection does not win the race, but finishes in one of the specified places, you can still receive a return on your bet. The place part of the bet offers a consolation payout if your selection performs well but doesn't win.


Q: How is the Each Way bet stake divided? A: When you place an Each Way bet, the total stake is divided equally between the win bet and the place bet. For example, if you place a €10 Each Way bet, €5 will be placed on the win and €5 on the place.


Q: What are the Each Way terms? A: The Each Way terms determine the number of places paid out and the fraction of the win odds that will be paid for the place part of the bet. For example, if the Each Way terms are "1/4 odds, 3 places" in a horse race, it means that we will pay out one-quarter of the win odds for the place part of the bet and will pay out for the top three finishers.


Q: How is the Each Way payout calculated? A: The Each Way payout depends on the final result of the race and the Each Way terms. If your selection wins the race, you will receive both the win bet and the place bet payouts. If your selection only places, you will receive the place bet payout, which is calculated based on the fraction of the win odds and the Each Way terms.


Q: Can I place an Each Way bet on any sports event? A: Each Way betting is commonly associated with horse racing, but it may also be available for other sports events, such as golf tournaments or certain football competitions. However, Each Way terms and availability may vary depending on the specific event.


Q: Can I choose the Each Way terms for my bet? A: The Each Way terms are predetermined by us and are generally based on the number of runners and the type of race. These terms will be clearly stated when you place your bet, and you cannot alter them. It's important to check the Each Way terms before placing your bet to understand the potential payouts and places paid.


Q: What Are the Each Way Place terms in Horse Racing?

A: Each Way Terms are dependent on the race and number of runners, the table below provides an overview of common place terms in Horse Racing, some races could vary and it's important to check the terms of the race and any applicable offers which could impact the place terms.


5-7 1/4 AND 2 PLACES 1/4 AND 2 PLACES
8-11 1/5 AND 3 PLACES 1/5 AND 3 PLACES
12-15 1/4 AND 3 PLACES 1/5 AND 3 PLACES
16+ 1/4 AND 4 PLACES 1/5 AND 3 PLACES

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