What Is 3DSV2?

Q: What is the impact of 3DSv2.0 on the deposit experience?

A: 3DSv2.0 (3D Secure version 2.0) significantly enhances the verification process for online payments at the point of deposit. Under this protocol, over 100 data points are generated and shared between the merchant and the issuer. This provides the issuer with a more comprehensive understanding of the transaction's validity, resulting in improved payment security. The implementation of 3DSv2.0 reduces friction and enhances the overall deposit experience.


Q: What happens if 3DS is triggered during a deposit?

A: If 3DS (3D Secure) is triggered during a deposit, you will be redirected to the issuing bank's dedicated page. This page will prompt you to complete an additional security step to verify the transaction.


Q: What should I do if I don't have access to the required verification form for 3DS during a deposit?

A: If you do not have access to the necessary verification credentials (such as device, email, or SMS) required by your bank to complete the transaction, you will need to update these credentials with your bank. Alternatively, you can choose an alternative payment method to complete the deposit. It is important to ensure that you have the required verification options available or choose an alternative method to successfully complete the transaction.

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