Q: How can I deposit funds to my Boylesports account via bank transfer?
A: To deposit funds to your Boylesports account through a bank transfer, please follow the instructions and use the account information provided below, based on your currency.
For EUR Deposits - Boylesports GIBRALTA:
- Account Number: 46220904
- Sort Code: 990212
- Swift Code/BIC: BARCIE2D
- IBAN: IE53BARC99021246220904
For GBP Deposits - Boylesports GIBRALTA:
- Account Number: 14353538
- Sort Code: 98 11 40
- Swift Code/BIC: ULSBGB2B
- IBAN: GB35ULSB98114014353538
Please ensure to use the correct account information based on your currency to facilitate the deposit process effectively.
Q: Can I withdraw funds via bank transfer?
A: Yes, in certain circumstances you may be permitted to withdraw via bank transfer.
Q: What information is required to process a bank transfer withdrawal?
A: In order for us to process the transaction for you, we will require the following information:
- Boylesports Account Number:
- Bank Account Name:
- Bank Name:
- Bank Account Number:
- Bank Sort Code:
- Amount requested:
Non UK
- Boylesports Account Number:
- Bank Account Name:
- Bank Name:
- Swift Code:
- IBAN number:
- Amount requested:
Q: Are there any restrictions on the recipient's bank account name?
A: Yes, we will only transfer funds to a bank account in the same name as that registered on your Boylesports account.